Tips to Help Your Pet Sitter

Having the following items ready and easily located for your sitter greatly helps to properly care for your pet:

  • Foot and treats
  • Clean food and water bowls
  • Leashes, harnesses, or halters
  • Kitty litter and scoop
  • Bedding (for cage/pen cleaning)
  • Newspaper
  • Paper Towels
  • Disinfectant/Lysol
  • Supplies for plant care (if you have plants that need care)
  • Emergency phone numbers

Also, make sure that you arrange for the following:

  • clean out the fridge of spoilable food if you will be away for more than a couple days
  • arrange for driveways & walks to be shoveled during winter months
  • if possible, arrange for a neighbor to have a backup key in case of severe weather that may prevent the sitter from visiting
  • notify neighbors that there will be a pet sitter visiting your  home.

Create a checklist, and go over it to make sure everything is set before you leave. It is a good idea to go over the list with your sitter, too. A little pre-planning helps everyone involved.


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